Preparing For Back To School


The end of summer vacation signals back-to-school season! The “back-to-school” marketing campaigns are in full swing, and kids of all ages feel anxious, excited, and stressed. It’s crucial for parents to watch out for any warning signs as their kids go from carefree summer fun to returning to school. Help your children be prepared for the new school year.

Children may find it more difficult to communicate their feelings of anxiety or stress than adults do. Most adults are aware of these emotions. It’s critical for parents to identify the warning signs of stress in their children and teenagers. Headaches, stomachaches, trouble sleeping, and behavioral changes (such as irritability and tantrums) are common indicators. Pay close attention to what they are saying. There are different times of the day when children seem to open up. Some of these times include driving them to and from after-school activities, tucking them in at night, or over dinner.

If your child doesn’t seem to be himself, pay attention to nonverbal clues and follow your gut.

Remember that you can ask for help at any time. You don’t have to wait for the first day of class. Throughout the summer, schools are available to discuss any worries that a parent or child may have, including the particular needs of a child. One to two weeks prior to the start of classes may be the ideal time to meet with the school about any concerns that you or your child might have.

Allow your kids to be excited about the first day of school!

For example, discuss how they will see old friends and make new ones. Make sure you listen intently and ask pertinent questions. It’s critical that our kids get heard. Many households will function better if there is a strong sense of family communication. Families will feel less stressed with back-to-school activities if you talk through it ahead of time. Wishing you all a new school year filled with success. Remember to ask for help when you need it!


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