China Changing One-Child Law
China announced this week that it is changing its one-child policy. Under the new law, couples may have a second child, but on one condition. That’s if one of the parents is an only child. China officials made the change because they are worried about a labor shortage in the future. I don’t want to get overly political here or offend anyone, but during this Thanksgiving season, I am so thankful that I live in a free country where I can choose the size of my family.
Calorie Counts Overlooked
Remember a few years ago when lawmakers pushed to get calorie counts on restaurant menus? Turns out, they aren’t helping. A new study out this month shows people still aren’t making good food choices, despite those GIGANTIC numbers right in front of their faces. For me though, the calorie counts work very well. While I don’t eat fast food often, maybe once a week, the numbers on the menu help me steer clear of some of my old favorites. For instance, instead of fries, I opt for a side salad, saving hundreds of calories.
Secret Starbucks Menu
Harry Potter fans… have a taste for Butterbeer this holiday season? Head on over to Starbucks and they’ll magically whip one up for you. Get there soon… when the toffee nut syrup disappears, so will the Butterbeer.
Philippines Disaster Aid Update
On Sunday, I told you about a way you can help the people in the Philippines after the typhoon disaster. Daniela Jay, a local boutique, is taking clothing donations and other non-perishable items and will ship them to the adults and children who need them. The staff has had such an overwhelming response from the community that they are already packing boxes for a second shipment, so there is plenty of time for you to help. If you have clothes you’d like to donate, please take them to 6525 West Happy Valley Road in Glendale. Tell them WVMB sent you!