You would have thought I was going to a funeral by the way I was crying. But no funeral, no one died, just a vacation with my husband and no kids. I was a sobbing wreck saying goodbye to my sweet babies. How would I survive the week without them? How could I have fun without them? Even though they were in the best hands possible (my in-laws!) I was still an emotional wreck.
Well ladies, I not only survived the vacation, but I enjoyed every. single. minute of it. Although I missed my kids beyond measure, it was worth it, and here are my four reasons why you need to vacation without kids.
- Let’s be honest, we don’t get much sleep nowadays. When I put the kids to bed I typically stay up later to get some “adult” things done, and often times my early riser gets me up at the crack of dawn. A vacation without kids let my husband and I sleep in, and go to bed when we wanted. We slept roughly 9-10 hours a night, and boy did we need it. We woke up refreshed!
- When you have little people your marriage is hard to keep as a priority. Often times our nights consist of tag teaming dinner, baths, and family time, which I adore so much, but sometimes you just need to connect to one another. Talk about fun stuff, ideas, plans. Flirt with one another, and just “date” again. My husband and I talked about all kinds of topics. We laughed; we talked about goals and ideas, and just loved on each other. It made my heart so full.
- Sometimes in the thick of raising kids we get buried in the to-do lists, the challenging moments and stress of a schedule. But being away from your kiddos makes you appreciate all the small moments you need to value more. Those cute little words your baby says, the excitement of your toddler building a house with Legos. Being away helped me appreciate them being little and I was excited to enjoy those moments with them when I got home. It helped center me again for what really matters.
- Self care. It’s hard to stay on top of all your needs when you have littles to take care of. They become your daily priority, as they should be. But a quick vacation allows you some time for self care. We worked out a few times together, which never happens at home. I read a book; I relaxed by the pool with my eyes closed (no kiddos to watch in the water). I was able to eat slowly, drink my coffee and truly enjoy it, and just breathe.
Whether it’s a day date, a simple overnight or a week-long vacation, take the time to focus on you, your relationship with your spouse, and to slow down a little bit. It’s hard to step away from our babies, but you’ll come back excited, rejuvenated and ready to be the best parent you can be!
Yes!! We did a 9 day no kids Vaca to Vail, Colorado in 2015 over Thanksgiving. I had all the mom guilt got being gone on Thanksgiving until I remembered that my kiddos was 2 years old and with his favorite grandparents who were spoiling him and he likely wouldn’t remember. We had a family Thanksgiving when we returned and while we were gone we got to learn to snowboard and spend real quality time as a couple. It was the best! Oh and naps, lots of naps!!