Foodie Friday: The Perfect Iced Coffee


North Phoenix Moms Blog - The Perfect Iced Coffee

Good morning. It’s no secret that we LOVE our coffee! Today’s recipe marries the idea of a nice long “cold” brew that is deliciously smooth and bold with the vietnamese style of using sweetened condensed milk for that perfect saccharinity. Finished with a gorgeous stream of cream.

North Phoenix Moms Blog - The Perfect Iced Coffee


  • 6 cups room temperature water
  • 1 cup strong coffee ground
  • sweetened condensed milk
  • heavy cream or half and half
  • cheese cloth is needed to help strain your coffee grounds


Fill a pitcher or large container with 6 cups of room temperature water

Add 1 cup of ground coffee and stir

Cover and let sit for at least 6 hours and up to overnight

Pour over a sieve/strainer that is lined with cheese cloth

Pour over ice. Add sweetened condensed milk to to taste and stir. Drizzle in cream and taste the magic!

*Try freezing your leftover coffee into cubes to use in your iced coffee drinks. #WasteNoCoffee

North Phoenix Moms Blog - The Perfect Iced Coffee

Enjoy and don’t forget to check out some more yummy Foodie posts!

North Phoenix Moms Blog - The Perfect Iced Coffee

For more recipes, visit me at SEE Salt and learn how to create simple, healthy and beautiful recipes for you and your family.


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