Are you looking for cleaning hacks to try in honor of Earth Day? Earth day is the perfect time to look around our homes and brainstorm ideas to reduce, reuse, and recycle!
It only takes a few changes to make a big difference. Each year, our family changes one thing that will leave the Earth a better place.
Earth day is April 22nd and thanks to @smartfinal here’s what I’m committing to – I’m swapping out my store bought glass cleaner for a natural version while using a reusable glass spray bottle!
• Combine equal parts of water and First Street white vinegar from Smart & Final, in a reusable glass spray bottle.
• Add a few drops of lemon essential oil and voila, you’ll have a streak free shine!
Last year, we concentrated on understanding exactly what items should go into the recycling bin and which items shouldn’t. It has been great to get the kids involved with making these changes. I think they remember better than I do!
This month, when you checkout at Smart & Final, be sure to make a donation to Make-A-Wish through April 30th. My kids noticed the canister at the register and we added all of our loose change. Any amount helps!
Did you know that Make-A-Wish started here in Arizona? I love supporting a wonderful charity that has its roots right here.
Make-A-Wish traces its inspiration to Christopher James Greicius, an energetic 7-year-old boy battling leukemia who wishes to be a police officer. In 1980, his Phoenix community came together to make his wish come true. Little did Chris know that his wish would create a movement that would transform millions of lives.