Orthodontic treatment can be accomplished at any age, but many parents find it difficult to determine the best time to start the process. Our partners at Dunn Orthodontics are helping all of us explore the benefits of seeking orthodontic treatment at every ages.
Early Orthodontics for Children
As a rule of thumb, age 7 is a great time to take your child for an initial orthodontic check-up. Sounds early, we know! Not every child will need treatment at this early age but getting evaluated by age 7 will give you a better idea of orthodontic problems to watch for and what future treatment may be needed. By age 7, an orthodontist can detect any potential jaw growth problems. Some problems are easier to tackle early, and many parents choose early treatment to provide their child with the least invasive treatment possible while guiding the permanent teeth to come in at a more desired alignment.
Orthodontics for Pre-teens
This is what you probably think of as the most common age to start orthodontic treatment. And you’re right! Many parents choose to start their child in orthodontic treatment around the ages of 9-12. One big reason is kids usually have some of their permanent teeth, but their jaw is still growing and can be more easily shaped by orthodontic treatment. Not to mention, kids at this age can often finish up treatment in time for their high school years, when they may prefer to be done with braces.
Orthodontics for Teens
Teens, rejoice! You have options when it comes to straight teeth. Gone are the days when orthodontic treatment is defined only by metal braces. Today’s metal braces are smaller, faster and more aesthetic than ever before, so many teens feel more comfortable getting them. Clear aligner orthodontic treatment provides an attractive alternative to traditional metal braces. What does this mean for your teen? A virtually invisible treatment option, removable aligners, comfortable wear without wires and brackets, teeth that are easier to brush and floss, and no food restrictions. And the icing on this cake – fewer visits to the orthodontist are typically required with clear aligners. What mom doesn’t love that?!
Orthodontics for Adults
It’s true – there are benefits to getting orthodontic treatment early on. However, healthy teeth can be moved at any age! If you’ve ever considered how a great smile would look on you, Drs. Matthew and Courtney Dunn are here to help. Today’s braces are discreet, more comfortable and faster, so many adults choose this treatment option. Clear aligners are also a great option for those who want under-the-radar orthodontic treatment that doesn’t compromise appearance. Straight teeth can help adults to feel more confident in the workplace, in the dating world, and on a job interview, to name a few. After all, a smile is one of the first things people notice about one another.
A Great Smile at Any Age!
Teeth can be moved at any age, but there may be benefits worth considering as to what age will best fit your family’s lifestyle. If you’re interested in orthodontic treatment, contact Drs. Matthew and Courtney Dunn of Dunn Orthodontics to discuss your treatment options. They would be happy to meet you and map out a custom orthodontic treatment plan that best fits your family’s needs. Click here for more information, and take advantage of their new patient special of braces starting at $99/month!
Also read about Braces versus Clear Aligners here and learn more about Drs. Matthew and Courtney Dunn here.