The current political climate is highly polarized and political conversations may be tense between you and your teenager. Some teens might feel pressure to adopt the view of their parents. Other teens might not even be aware of the...

Black Friday Extravaganza

I have joined the group. The group that plays Christmas music before Thanksgiving. You know? That group who also puts up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. (I'm still trying to convince my husband to put up the tree). There's something...
I grew up in a household that ALWAYS had pets.  It was more than just cats and dogs, although we did have those too.  We also had chickens, turkeys, turtles and a small brown tarantula!  Her name was Shelly-Carmel, what other...
School choice for your child is a huge decision, whether it be their first school or their next school. Some of us get lucky. We stumble into schools that end up being a perfectly fine fit for our own kiddos by...
Happy May ladies! This is our month to shine! With Mother's Day just having passed, warmer weather, and visions of summer vacation dancing in our minds, it's a good month to celebrate ourselves. As moms we know that each...
Do you have a student in high school? If so, the conversation around the dinner table may likely be about your kid's next steps - will they continue on and pursue further education, join the military, go on a...
Motherhood, the tough job that has us in limbo regarding our career. We were once full-time, in the office 40 hours a week working women, and suddenly we become mothers who desire to be home with our kids, yet...
The 2018-19 school year marks my 7th year of teaching. And with my master’s in secondary English education, whatever grade you can assume I’ve taught, I’ve done more… Well, most of it. From early education to middle school and...
Almost a year ago I wrote a post for the North Phoenix Moms Blog, This is Why My Son Will be Redshirting Kindergarten. At the time I felt certain in the decision we made for our August baby, but...
We all know that sticking to our New Year's resolutions isn't easy. Some of us may quit on our goals after a couple of days while others quit weeks later. It may seem discouraging and stressful, but it is...
Hiking in Arizona offers an incredible opportunity for families to connect with nature and create lasting memories. Beyond the breathtaking landscapes and scenic trails, Arizona's diverse wildlife and flowers add an extra layer of excitement for your family to...
It's that time of year when the weather starts to cool down and our minds quickly turn to capturing the annual family photo.  If you're like me, it's an ongoing battle to come up with something new.  There are so...
Valentine's Day is approaching and we are neck-deep in the candy-laden holidays that began way back on Halloween. While your kids might have visions of chalky conversation hearts dancing in their heads, I want to chat about a sweet...
The new year is here and that means you'll be hearing: "How can you be a better you in the new year?" I’m sure you'll see it as well: non-stop gym membership commercials on TV, advertisements for weight loss and diet centers...
Summertime in Phoenix is not my favorite. Every year I tell myself that summer isn't so bad, and then every year I complain all summer long. Now that I have little kids, I hate the desert heat even more....
Recently, five of my mommy tribe friends and I got away for an amazing, and much needed girl’s weekend. The entire time I kept pinching myself because I could not believe that FIVE moms (all with children between the...
Learning how to read is a really exciting time for children and parents. Although most children start to learn how to read in elementary school, there are several pre-reading skills that they will need to develop before then. Parents...
In April 2017, my youngest child was born and so began maternity leave. While it had been over 3 years since I had last taken maternity leave, I knew that it could go by in the blink of an...
I am a big fan of Trader Joe's. A lot of my weekly meals for my family include Trader Joe's products. I live for their fall launch every year, and I stock up on my family's favorites. I think...
bubble bath

Bubble Bath Safety

We all know that bubble baths help get the body clean and add a little fun to the routine, but are they always safe? Certain bubble bath products contain unsafe ingredients that can irritate your child's skin. The safety...
Fall Becoming Too Much?

Fall Becoming Too Much?

Are you someone who isn’t excited about the ‘Fall Y’all’ Season? The swim clothes and summer toys are barely put away (or even still in use) and the stores are filled with pumpkin spice everything, hay bales, Halloween, and...
  From time to time I find myself staring into my kid’s closet and thinking ‘How am I ever going to organize this mess?!’ Light Bulb Moment I got the idea to make it kid conducive. First I removed everything and I...
I had the opportunity to go on a family vacation this summer with my son and husband. We traveled by car, for about 6 hours, and were gone for 3 days. As this is our first baby, we weren’t...

How to Live on One Income

When my husband and I found out we were expecting a baby, our first conversation revolved around the possibility of me staying home, meaning we would be living as a single income family. We didn’t come to a conclusion...
On August 19, 2015 I finally made it public on Facebook that I had been suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety since the birth of my beautiful daughter. Here was my post: About a year ago I finally got help...

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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