Love this fun spin on the classic ice cream float recipe. This recipe has apple cider and ginger ale added to vanilla ice cream for a truly delicious treat. INGREDIENTS vanilla ice cream apple cider ginger ale DIRECTIONS Scoop three scoops of vanilla ice cream into a...
As a part time teacher I have summers off to hang out with my kiddos, but on the flip side I also don't get paid as a teacher during the summer, so my family has to summer on a...
I am an Illinois native, so summertime in the Midwest is not comparable to these hot summer days that Phoenix brings. Growing up, everyone looked forward to sweet summertime. The magical months between May and August where we can...

Summer Skin Care

Summertime skin makes me think of sweat, sunscreen, and that tight dryness from our hot sun. It can be easy to let skin care go on the back burner, I am guilty of this, and I am a licensed...
Trust me. I love a proper road trip or international flight as much as the next mother of 2 but listen, sometimes I just want to sneak away with my husband for the night and let the kids stay...
Summer may be winding down but the excitement is just heating up at The Shops at Norterra through August 31st!   If you spend a total of $200 or more in a single day at any of the shops, restaurants, service-providers, or...
Summer is here! What does that mean for AZ families? The days are much longer and the temperatures are rapidly rising! Kids are starting to drive their parents crazy and parents can't wait for school to start again! One way to soak in...
We live in an odd climate here in Phoenix. It's hot, really hot, for a very long time! How does that affect you? Your body? Your mood? Your thoughts? I think most people think "Summer!!" and imagine lounging around...
As moms ourselves, we know that finding the perfect summer camps mean fun-filled, and stress-free summers!  We are eager to present our 2017 Ultimate Guide to Summer Camps in Phoenix and hope it provides you some insight as you...
We have compiled a comprehensive list of the Best Fireworks in Phoenix and surrounding areas for the 4th of July. There are endless options and activities for your family to enjoy!  Tuesday, July 3rd Anthem's Independence Day Celebration *FREE* The event will...
As I sit here writing this, my little guy is walking around the house eating his lunch on his LAST DAY HOME before school starts. Ahhh... school. He's looking forward to it and truthfully, so am I. Don't get...
Growing up,  my sister and I would always participate in the annual "summer reading challenge" at our local library, and it's one of my favorite summer memories!  I've carried this love of reading into adulthood and think that everyone can enjoy...
summer meal prep cooking

Summer Meal Prep Cooking

Summer time cooking in Phoenix is tricky.  It's hot, like really hot, and the idea of even turning on the oven literally makes me want to just eat cold cereal until September. Lately, I have gotten really into cooking...

Traveling with Children

There seems to be a love-hate relationship when I think about traveling with my daughter, for sure.  I love spending time with my family creating fun memories on vacation, but getting to and from there is always an interesting experience. ...
This post was written and sponsored by our partners at the Children's Museum of Phoenix Why Children's Museums are Important Have you ever visited a children's museum? If you haven't, have you ever wondered what might be inside?  Children's museums are magical spaces...
Well it happened. Fall is here. World Market released their new Pumpkin Spice coffee beans, saying "it's never too early to enjoy fall flavors." I've already seen Christmas decorations up at Hobby Lobby, and signs going up for where...
Are you prepared for the Monsoon season? Not sure how to prepare? We have tips from an Arizona native for you!   Arizona's monsoon season begins in June and continues through September. Monsoon season includes higher humidity, thunderstorms, heavy rain, lightning, hail,...
So my 4 year old is reading! Sure it's just mini picture books like "The Cat on the Mat" and "Will is Ill" but he is reading and not just memorizing like he used to do. It was so...
Last summer in an effort to beat the heat and save money, our family purchased a Groupon for the Arizona Science Center. The offer provided unlimited visits for a family of four from Memorial Day to Labor Day for...
What are a few quick and easy summer hairstyles for the busy mom? Lucky for busy moms, this summer is all about undone, messy texture…on purpose! Beachy waves look so effortless and can be worn in so many ways. We...
Happy National Lemonade Day! Did you know such a day existed!?  I sure didn't, but I am more than happy to celebrate. Lemonade is hands down my favorite drink around. It is such a versatile drink- fancy enough to...
There are times (usually between the months of June and September) when I'm not quite sure why I live in Phoenix...our summers are not for the faint of heart. I like to consider myself someone who is fairly mild-mannered,...
Last week we had a perfect day trip!   If you are looking for a fun activity to do with the kids, I highly recommend taking a day trip to Mortimer Farms. In July, they have a recurring event called Blackberry...
Time for another do-it-yourself nail idea!  These cheetah print nails can be customized to any color scheme and would be super cute on toes!  Sandal season is definitely here!  Here is what you'll need: a light/neutral base color, an...
This post is sponsored by Wet n' Wild. It's that time of year in Phoenix...  the weather is rising, the kids are getting out of school, and that means summer is officially here!  If you are like most parents, you...

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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