Traveling with Children

There seems to be a love-hate relationship when I think about traveling with my daughter, for sure.  I love spending time with my family creating fun memories on vacation, but getting to and from there is always an interesting experience. ...

Summer Skin Care

Summertime skin makes me think of sweat, sunscreen, and that tight dryness from our hot sun. It can be easy to let skin care go on the back burner, I am guilty of this, and I am a licensed...
As the hot, hot, HOT Phoenix summer trudges on, we all can use some inspiration in the kitchen… especially when we’re busy with our wonderful kiddos or we don’t feel like standing over a hot stove.  Here are a...
Boy, has it been hot and sticky or what? We are trying to stay inside as much as possible, unless we are in the pool of course!  My almost 2 year old is becoming bored with our inside activities...

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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