The DivaCup may be one of those "crunchy mama" products that makes some people cringe, but to me it's been a HUGE relief! I've been using the Diva Cup for about three years now and I absolutely love it. It...
Scorpions, ugh. The scum of the earth! These nasty little boogers blend into pretty much any brown you have in your house, and exist wherever there is a mountain, dirt, or trees. They can climb walls, they come out...
A mother's job is to protect right? To protect our kids, give them the best chances at a future, and make sure they are happy and healthy. Well, not to be a Debbie Downer, but with the way the...
Summer is practically upon us here in the Valley of the Sun. Do you know what that means?! It means swimming, traveling, hiking, exploring, camping, you name it! I am super excited about the adventures that await us this...
I am the smelliest sweaty Betty you are likely to meet. I work out regularly and I live in Phoenix, which might as well be the same as living on the face of the sun in the summertime. Needless...
A couple years back, someone on Facebook asked for ideas for healthy alternatives to an annual ‘popsicle' party at her child's school. The comment storm that ensued was quite crazy...
It is just a popsicle. Back off."
Readers suggesting that...
I have always been of the belief that all our bodies could possibly need can be found in food. I have never really been a big vitamin-taker. When my pediatrician wanted me to start giving my daughter iron-fortified vitamin...
It seems like food has always had a negative effect on my body. From a young age I remember telling my parents that hot dogs gave me headaches. My family chalked it up to me being dramatic. That is...
Recently I broke free from the Arizona heat and made the trip to to the west coast to lounge on the beach. (More like stop my daughter from eating every grain of sand on the shore.) The beach can...
As a yoga instructor and someone who is pretty into health and fitness, I feel a bit ashamed to say that I have never included meditation in my wellness routine. The recent studies on the benefits of meditation are...
Now that my kids are back in school and away from home most of the day, that means they are away from some great resources - Essential Oils! This means it's time for a "backpack makeover." When my kids were...
Each year I am determined to try to keep our family's immune systems as supported as possible. There is no doubt we are going to be exposed to something, but I hope my family's immune systems are strong to fight...
My baby just started preschool (insert tearful emoji here). He is nearly three and we have been fortune enough to be able to have him home with my husband, me, or an entrusted nanny for all of his life....
I will be the first to admit it! I was a HUGE scented candle fan!! My favorite was the Holiday Candle from The Gap - I got it every year! I would even use it throughout the year -...
The holiday season has begun! The hustle and bustle of traditions, traveling, gift giving and food preparation makes this season seem like a blur. However, one thing I slow down and focus on during the season is teaching my...
Now that the holidays are upon us, and if you are anything like me, I am always looking for fun and thoughtful homemade gifts that we can give to teachers, friends, family, and all the hosts of the beautiful...
Apps are pretty much a phone staple anymore, they help us busy moms organize everything from grocery lists, to meals to our entire family calendar. I love apps, but I am not big on having a bunch of them...
When I was a child, I grew up smack dab in the middle of Phoenix. We had a small backyard, a couple of dogs, and a couple of cats. No farm animals. Never in a million years did I...
I honestly believe Arizona is the most beautiful home I could ever ask for. Surrounded by sunlight and warmth, I'm not sure there are many other places I'd rather raise my wildlings. We rarely spend our days inside and...
Dear Potential Mom Friend,
I’m the mom over in the corner, not quite sure who to talk to. I don’t know how to be a mom friend. I miss my two mom friends who moved back home to be closer...
Self-care is a trending topic amongst women, particularly mothers, right now. It’s common to see friends and fellow mamas post images of their spa day or shopping spree in the name of #selfcare. On occasion, we dig deeper and...
I never thought I would be a parent who reads parenting books. They obviously never appealed to me before I was a parent, and now I’m dropping them in my Amazon cart like they are cookbooks or kitchen tools.
I had never been camping until a few years ago when my husband and I thought it would be a fun tradition for our family to start. Our first trip was not long after our oldest daughter turned two....
It is almost that time of year when all of the big holidays quickly stumble upon us, but I wanted to throw another one at you that is not nearly as popular, but still has a huge purpose. This...
Summer time cooking in Phoenix is tricky. It's hot, like really hot, and the idea of even turning on the oven literally makes me want to just eat cold cereal until September. Lately, I have gotten really into cooking...