Well, I did it. I survived through three pregnancies, had three natural births (just what I wanted), and have three beautiful children to show for it. I am blessed indeed! However, a sneaky struggle has made it's way into my...
Just over a month ago we welcomed a new addition to our family, a beautiful little girl Claire.  As we are adjusting to being a family of five, I couldn’t help but think back to when we transitioned from...
This pregnancy (with my 3rd baby) has definitely kicked my butt! Between intense morning (read: all day sickness) for the first 3-4 months, sciatic and lower back pain in my second trimester, really low iron that zapped all my...
Happy World Breastfeeding Week! I love reading blog posts and any information I can get my hands on about breastfeeding, so this is a fun week for me. Also having been around the block a few times with it...

Boy Parts

I'll be 110% honest with you all....when I found out that my second baby had boy parts....I was kinda crushed. I know, most people dream of one boy and one girl and a happily ever after. But boy parts...
I love anything cute that helps me be more organized. Well, this company - Office Candy - is right up that alley. Did you click on the link…don't they have cute, super functional stuff? What a great idea to...
Have you heard of the adorable organic baby clothing line, Pickle Peas? They're an innovative company that has thought of a cute way to make a bib part of your outfit in cute and fun ways, and the best part...
I love baby showers, and I love births, and I love birthdays. I don't always love shopping for them. Mostly because I never know what would be most helpful to get the mom to be or the new baby....

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Top Breakfast Spots in the Valley

Celebrate National Breakfast Month this September by dining at our favorite breakfast spots in the Valley. After all, breakfast IS the most important meal of...
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