Our very own Kimberly  at www.anightowlblog.com and Stacey at www.dreamphotographystudio.com were featured on Martha Stewart!  Kimberly's super cute son and nerdtastic Halloween costume along with Stacey's photography of one adorable little nerd were showcased on MarthaStewart.com, Facebook and Instagram!  Make...
This week on Pinterest: Hit or Miss, we try our hand at making a banner for Thanksgiving. I have banners that I hang up in our dining room for my daughter's birthday, Christmas and Halloween. The birthday and Christmas...
Another highly successful JITT event! I have literally already marked my calendar for the next event on May3rd! It falls about a week away from my birthday so that means I KNOW where I'm spending all my bday cash!...

Honoring Veteran’s Day

West Valley Moms Blog would like to honor all who have served our country, we thank you for protecting our freedom.  

Tired of traditional turkey?

(Photo credit in links below) Tis the season where we gather with those we hold nearest and dearest to our hearts and give thanks for all of the beauty in our lives. We laugh, we reminisce, we play games, we...
Hi there! My daughter and I wanted to share with you some of the fun Thanksgiving crafts we have done together these past few weeks. Thanksgiving is perhaps my favorite holiday. I love having a day for family and...
Every year I get questions like the following... "You aren't eating turkey?"  "What are you going to eat on Thanksgiving?" "Oh, are you going to have some tofurkey?"  The answers are no, a lot and no! ;)  I was...

Holiday Shopping for a Cause

Want to get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping while supporting a great cause? The MOMS Club of Phoenix-Happy Valley is holding a fantastic Holiday Boutique tomorrow, Saturday, November 23rd at Foothills Christian Church (Happy Valley and 39th) from...
Holiday Mash-Up Thanksgiving Week is upon us! Whew! Are you ready? Do you have that turkey yet? Well, you’ve had longer than usual to prepare. Thanksgiving is falling later in the month than last year. In fact, November 28th is...
In true Rachel fashion I'm STILL working on getting teacher's holiday gifts together for my daughters preschool teachers and our daycare providers. Luckily my friend Jessica came up with a BEAUTIFUL Christmas DIY Gold Glitter Mason Jar craft that is...

Valentine Inspired DIY’s

I came across some adorable Valentine inspired DIY projects that I wanted to share this week. Any of them would make an adorable addition to your home as well as a heartfelt gift to someone special this Valentine's Day. Heart...
If you are like me and LOVE celebrating and decorating the house for each and every fun holiday that approaches, then you will LOVE this post! Valentine's is one of my favorites hype up because it just means I...
Hello Everyone! It's February and the month of LOVE! We wanted to share some fun kids' crafts we've been doing. February is turning out to be a very busy month for us,  with my daughter's birthday and Valentine's Day....
I am not big on filling my daughter's Easter basket or eggs with candy. She gets plenty of that stuff elsewhere (Hello, Easter package from Grandma!) and generally I try to watch the amount of sugar she has.I'm fine...
Are you looking for adorable Easter Egg projects this season?! We've got you covered with eight eggtastic projects, including projects for preschoolers. It's the time of year to get hopping and color some eggs! I wanted to try something a...
We are all excited about Mother's Day here at WVMB! We think that moms are pretty special and deserve to be spoiled (at least) one day a year! Can I get an AMEN?! :) If you are stumped as to...
Dad's can be pretty tricky to shop for so we put together 10 awesome local gifts you can get for him this Father's Day! Does dad have a beard? Make sure to check out Beard Essentials.  Their products are all...
Happy Independence Day, all! E and I are excited to be on summer break, as it is giving us some time to work on crafts together again. Here are some we did to celebrate the 4th of July! First, we...
I admit it....I love suburbia. The perfect combination of community, recreation, and retail with the convenience of being adjacent to a big city such as Phoenix. The Valley of the Sun is chock full of suburbia. But there are...
Hi friends! The most patriotic holiday of the year is rapidly approaching! To me 4th of July is all about the BBQs, pool time, and of course, fireworks!! We know a lot of you will be doing the same...
Foodie Friday + 4th of July = this simple and delicious summer salad recipe by local mama and foodie extraordinaire Jessica from See Salt. Ingredients: cold watermelon oranges prepped and sliced red onion thinly sliced arugula creamy goat cheese olive oil balsamic or red wine vinegar sea salt Directions: Cut watermelon...
What do you enjoy doing this time of year? For us, it's the smell of charcoal, laying in the green grass and looking up at the sky, cloud watching. It's celebrating our freedom and independence. It's spending time together...
Deals, deals, deals......who doesn't LOVE one?! We sure do. And we like to share them too!!! Especially when it is from one of our very own Co-founders, Stacey at Dream Photography Studio! Woop! Ladies (and gentlemen if you read this), she is offering...
The Shops at Norterra are gearing up for Halloween and they have some exciting deals & fun events going on to kick it off! We are SO excited about the holiday season approaching and can't wait to have some...
Hi, moms!! By now you all know that I love reading with my daughter and that we are well known at our library. We also have a fair number (OK, way too many) of books we own at home....

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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