No matter if it’s your first baby, or fourth, taking care of a new baby is difficult. Exhaustion, mom guilt, older siblings, and daily responsibilities tend to monopolize a new mom’s attention, putting her postpartum care on the back...
The life of a modern person no longer appears without such things as a tablet, phone, computer. Children, watching the lives of adults, begin to be interested in gadgets from diapers: since mom and dad pay so much attention...
"Middle School Can Be A Wild Ride" A couple of years ago, one of my son's elementary school teachers summarized perfectly the tween years.  My son was approaching 6th grade and I asked for her thoughts.  She said, "Be prepared....
One of my good mom friends and I got to talking about the challenges that parenting can present. We moms are often caught with the feeling that our cups are overflowing, and we are giving all aspects of life...
watered and waited

I Watered and Waited

Something deep in my spirit can relate to this plant. Over the 4th of July holiday we took our usual trip to visit my mom and stepdad. We would be gone 4 days, and was I worried about the plants....
We all know how hard it can be to lose yourself in the crazy season of life that is early motherhood. Overnight, quite literally, I went from an independent adult(ish) lady who could mostly do what I wanted when...
“I have to get out of this house today,” I thought as I watched my two-year-old twin boys push around their toy trucks on the hardwood floor while I sipped my morning coffee. I considered what we might do...
A hot topic that I often see in articles and also find myself discussing with other moms revolves around the preservation of our self-identify as mothers. Self-identity is a word that carries a lot of weight. What exactly is...
Like clockwork, my human alarms created commotion this morning as I lay in bed half awake. I check the time on my phone, convincing myself that it is still too early for my little dudes to be awake. Sure...
Ugh, moving is the worst. Even in the best of circumstances moving really is the pits. Add in two kids under 4, and you’ve got a tiring, long, few weeks on your hands. Even with just a 3 mile move...
I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of change. Change is inevitable, but it takes me a while sometimes to adjust to it and feel at ease. October through December is my favorite time of...
If you spend any time watching Lifetime's Countdown To Christmas, you'd get the impression that the Holiday season is about families filled with peace and love gathered around golden turkeys cooked to perfection. But of course we know that's...
Christmas is my favorite season. As a child, I always enjoyed the decorations, the yummy fudge my aunts and grandma would make, and listening to Elvis and Alabama play holiday classics on the old jukebox in my dad’s bar...
Can You Hear Me Now? My Child Is Begging For A Cell Phone! I vividly remember when I started the campaign to get my own phone in my room.  I was a child of the 80's. The idea of sitting...

Little Women: Big Impact

Admittedly, as the curtains drew open at the renowned Cine Capri in Scottsdale, I sat with a furrowed brow and a biased attitude, wondering if filmmaker and actress Greta Gerwig’s rendering of Little Women (2019) could hold a candle...
A few summers ago, I was tidying the back porch and something did not smell right. I searched and searched, convinced it must be a dirty diaper or trash. I walked into the kitchen and the smell was suddenly...
Every year I create a bucket list of sorts. This year I’ve entitled it, “39 things Wendie will do while 39.” 2020 is a great motivator because not only is it a New Year and a new decade, but...
At this point, you have probably seen an adorable baby wearing a white helmet when you have been out and about. This helpful helmet is called a DOC Band, and my 6 month old little guy is currently sporting...

4 Truths About Dating in 2020

Simply put, dating in the modern era is difficult no maTTER WHAT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  (Case in point, that awkward sentence capitalization is brought to you courtesy of my own modern day dating dilemma, my two year old, who is...
Dear mom who is deciding to cancel everything in the face of this novel corona virus, I feel the weight of your decision right now. My family has decided to practice social distancing. We are limiting leaving the home for...
finding common ground

Finding Common Ground

Gosh, what a time to be alive. In this unprecedented season, people across the world are living out history in the making as this virus unfolds. We are all having a shared experience together.   Yet there is no shortage of...
A few years ago, while attempting to complete my Masters, I took a psych course called "The Family: A Psychological Perspective." We were suppose to introduce ourselves and I got stuck. I had been in "mama mode," and it...
Now that it's July, back to school season is on everyone's mind. We have been home with our kids for what seems like an eternity, and we are all wondering what school will look like this year and what...
Racial injustice. White privilege. Systemic racism. Black Lives Matter. Anti-racist. Microaggressions. Whether you are watching the news, scrolling through Instagram, or catching up with an old friend, current events in the U.S. have brought these conversations to the forefront...
As one of my favorite authors, Glennon Doyle, always says, "We can do hard things!" This year has been full of hard things, hard decisions, and hard conversations. I feel like we are all a little beat down but...

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Arizona Science Center: Trading Happy Hour for Snow Explosions

  Ah, the glory days of happy hour—when I could sip cocktails, laugh with friends, and somehow still make it to closing time. Fast forward...
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