Natassia Williamson

Natassia Williamson
Hello, My name is Natassia. I am a Nurse Practitioner by day and mom always. Balancing life with 3 kids, a husband, and the dog. Twin mom of daughters and their older brother leading the way. I have a tremendous love for writing and passion for story telling. I decided to start a mom blog in 2020 to share my experiences navigating motherhood with a special needs child. 2020 was also the year I published my first children's book ABC D is Ability. Created to explore children's abilities despite their disabilities. I served four years as an Army Nurse and became Family Nurse Practitioner in 2014.
april showers

“April Shower” your Husband with Appreciation Day

"April Showers, Brings May Flowers" April 17th 2021 is Husband Appreciation Day. wives don’t worry our day is September 19, 2021. And though there is a specific day for it, we can learn to celebrate...

Marching into Spring and I Have Butterflies

Spring time is coming! OMG, I have butterflies. No, not the kind that you get in your stomach when you are nervous or “in love.” I have, or shall I say had, butterflies for...

Black HIStory, Black HERstory, Black MYstory

"If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated,”  Carter G. Woodson February 2021...
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